Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nature scene is beautiful !

In the morning, there are so many moisture drops on the leaves in my garden.
So I have taken some pictures.

They are shining in the morning sun.

In the evening, I found big sun in the west sky.
The sun was dropping down into the horizon with orange light on the water surface.

Close up

You can see the bridge of New Airport Access Line.

In the night, I found the crescent moon in the west sky.
Through the zooming lens, I can recognize the cratered surface of moon.

The Nature is so beautiful ! 

Thank you so much for your visiting.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Today's Photograph

Today, I have attended the meeting of the study group in Sophia University.

On the way to the university, I have checked Japanese wisteria named 'Captain Wisteria' of Kyo-ouji temple in Yanaka.

There are some cluster of flower bud. 
I expect that a flower will be in full bloom. 

Panoramic view of Captain Wisteria in Kyo-ouji temple.

Cherry blossoms in front of Kyo-ouji temple.
(Close up)  

Cherry blossoms in front of Kyo-ouji temple.
(Flower block)

After checking Wisteria, I went to university.
On the bank beside the university street, I found the fantastic view of the tunnel of cherry tree.
Most of cherry blossoms are already fallen, I found a few tree which is blooming.

the tunnel of cherry tree

cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms

Thank you so much to visit my page.
See you next time.

Flowers, again! (Wide version)

These pictures are wide version. (1024X768 pixel)
So you cannot see by your cell phone.
Please see by PC or Tablet (just like iPad, etc.)

Cerasus spachiana f. spachiana

Cerasus spachiana f. spachiana

花海棠 ハナカイドウ (自宅の庭)
Malus halliana (in my garden)

庭梅<八重咲き> ニワウメ (自宅の庭)
Prunus japonica  (in my garden)

庭梅<八重咲き> ニワウメ (自宅の庭)
Prunus japonica  (in my garden)

射干 シャガ (自宅の庭)
Iris japonica  (in my garden)

スノーフレーク (自宅の庭)
Leucojum aestivum  (in my garden)

スノーフレーク (自宅の庭)
Leucojum aestivum  (in my garden)

ムスカリ (成田市・花植木センター)
Muscari  (Flower and Botanical Garden in Narita-City)

菫 スミレ (自宅の庭)
Viola mandshurica (in my garden)

菫 スミレ (成田市公津)
Viola mandshurica (Kouzu, Narita-City)

花大根 ハナダイコン (自宅の庭)
Orychophragmus violaceus (in my garden)

仏の座 ホトケノザ (成田市公津)
Lamium amplexicaule L (Kouzu, Narita-City)

楓:鴫立つ沢 カエデ (自宅の庭)
Maple (in my garden)

若葉 (成田市・花植木センター)
Unknown  (Flower and Botanical Garden in Narita-City)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Many kinds of flowers blooming, now !

Here comes spring, so many kinds of flowers bloom in the field.
 Today, I found some kinds of flowers. I'll show you them.

花海棠 (Malus halliana)

Snowflake (Leucojum aestivum)

菫 (Viola mandshurica) 

木瓜 (Chaenomeles speciosa)

シャガ (Iris japonica)

オオイヌノフグリ (Veronica persica)

ハコベ (Stellaria)

ホトケノザ (Lamium amplexicaule L)

カラスノエンドウ (Vicia sativa subsp. nigra)

ナズナ (Capsella bursa-pastoris)

タンポポ (Taraxacum)

山吹<一重> (Kerria japonica) 

白山吹(Rhodotypos scandens)

ハナズオウ(Cercis chinensis)