Monday, November 28, 2011

Swans come from Siberia.

Today(Yesterday), I went to see swans in Inzai City (Old name is Motono Village).
There are so many swans in the pond.
And there are so many canard, too.

Maybe less two hundreds of swans in the pond.

I will show you some pictures.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The moisture drop on/under the leaf.

Yesterday morning, I had taken some pictures of moisture drops.

You can find the morning sky in the drop.
It's so curious, I think.
Don't you think so?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Autumn Leaves Festival in the Park of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple

Yesterday, we had so cold day just like mid-winter, but today is a fine day to see the view of autumn leaves, so I went to the park of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple with my camera.

I will show you the beautiful leaves of maples near by Sekisho-an which is the Tea Celemony Room.

Please enjoy them.

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#04 Horizontal Type : right side is upper.

At the front of Sekisho-an, there is a pond named "Ryuju's Pond".
I couldn't fine any colorful maples around the pond.
I have to wait some weeks to see the red one.

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Thank you for your visit to my page.
See you !